Termite Control:
Kordon termite barrier is to be used as a Building Perimeter and Service Penetration termite protection system (AS 3660.1 – 2000). The builder is to provide all relevant slab or construction details to Trimec Pty Ltd for pricing and warranty information. The Builder is to treat the building’s termite protection as a part of the building process and therefore included in the construction program.
Termite Control And Moisture Barrier:
Kordon termite moisture barrier is to be used as termite protection (AS 3660.1 – 2000) and as a damp proof membrane as per (AS 2870). The builder is to provide all relevant slab details to Trimec Pty Ltd for pricing and warranty information. The Builder is to treat the building’s termite protection as a part of the building process and therefore included in the construction program.
Certifying Kordon:
Summary of Bayer Kordon Termite Barrier Technical and Compliance Data. To be read in conjunction with the document prepared for persons wishing to certify Kordon as an Alternate Solution Building Code of Australia 2006. You can download these documents by clicking the links below.
CSIRO Technical Appraisal 216:
The new updated CSIRO Technical Appraisal incorporating both TA216 and TA 255 into one document – includes further definition of Kordon as a Physical Termite Barrier, all updated reports and new appraisal assessments on compliance for all building types, Damp Proof Membrane capabilities, render requirements etc – importantly provides full supporting evidence for the 50 year performance and durability statement.
You can download the new CSIRO Technical Appraisal 216 by clicking on the link below
Additional Documentation: