Is Kordon Covered by the Australian Standards?
Yes – Kordon is in AS3660.1.2000 (page 11) as “a chemical barrier in a non-soil matrix” – Performance Criteria Clause 2.3.4
Does Kordon comply with the BCA (Building Code of Australia)?
Yes – Kordon TMB and Kordon Termite Barrier are alternative solutions under the Building Code of Australia.
Does Kordon have shear plane testing?
Yes – Kordon has passed the shear plane test analysis. Kordon has no effect on the structural status of a building.
Is Kordon dangerous?
No – Kordon is environmentally friendly. It is harmless to people and is an allergy free product. Kordon has been recommended for primary schools and for aged care buildings. Kordon is classified as a ‘building product’.
Is Kordon Australian?
Yes – Kordon is an Australian invention and is made in South Australia. Kordon is undergoing trials in other countries and Kordon will be an Australian export in the future.
Is Kordon repellent to termites?
Yes – Kordon contains deltamethrin a very good termiticide, which repels termites.
Does Kordon leach?
No – The termiticide used in Kordon is not water-soluble. Kordon will not leach from the webbing. Over eleven years of field trails Kordon has been exposed to wet soil and has shown no detrimental effects.
Does UV damage Kordon?
After 6 months of in-house trials Kordon was not damaged from exposure to the elements. The trial evaluation was discontinued after 6 months.
How does Kordon stand up to wear and tear on a construction site?
Kordon is a very tough material; the 2 plastic sheets and the fibrous webbing make a very durable and robust sheet that is particularly forgiving on a building site.
Is Kordon a DPC (damp proof course)?
No – Kordon TB, used as a perimeter barrier is solely a termite barrier. It is not approved for use as a damp proof course.
How does Kordon stop Termites?
Kordon prevents the concealed entry of termites into a building when installed as per the manufacturers specifications. The deltamethrin present in the webbing does two things. It repels termites from contacting the Kordon and in the unlikely event that termites try to break through the Kordon; the termiticide treated webbing will control them.
Is Kordon a Moisture membrane?
Yes Kordon TMB (full under slab) is a termite barrier and a vapour barrier – it replaces the plastic (Forticon /Viscreen).
How long will Kordon last? What term of protection can I expect for my new house?
Based on trial work that has been carried out, Kordon has been extrapolated to last a minimum of 50 years to date by the CSIRO. This information is supported by 17 years of trial data.
How does Kordon compare in cost with other barrier products?
It is very competitive through its flexibility, speed, ease of installation and the fact that it provides such long-term protection.
Who can install Kordon?
Only an accredited Kordon installer may install Kordon. All of our installers have building experience so they have an understanding of the building process. The accredited installer is trained and is fully responsible for the termite barrier. Trimec Pest Control are an accredited Kordon installer.
Does rain affect Kordon installation?
No – Kordon is a dry application. However it can be installed if raining, but the rain slows down the installation.
What happens to the Kordon ‘cut offs’ on site?
Kordon cut offs are kept to a minimum on site with the accredited installer taking any leftovers off site to be either recycled or disposed of correctly.
What happens if the Kordon is damaged after the accredited Kordon installer has completed the installation and left the site?
The builder is to contact the accredited Kordon installer if any damage occurs after installation. The installer will return and repair the damaged Kordon.